Sunday, January 29, 2012

We finally had the Informational meeting!

Saturday morning was GREAT! I woke up early, got me gear on, and headed out to ... well, I had to take my mom to work first. Then I went to meet up with my friend for a quick 5 miler before the meeting. Well, the night before, we finally had some winter weather. Neither one of us felt brave enough to run outside as it was slick. She was able to hook us up with a couple of treadmills close by. I know I complain about treadmills, and then love them. This time it was a good day with "Fred". It may have been that I had a buddy in the gym with me, or I just may have recovered from the pain and had no issues. It may have been both...

She got started before I did, as I found a couple of treadmills that weren't calibrated correctly. They just about threw me off the back end. 6.5mph should NOT do that! I know how that feels. I finally found one that worked. I got started at 6.5 then bumped it up to 6.8 after almost mile and added a 1% hill. I stayed like that until I hit mile 4. That's when I lost the hill and slowed back down to 6.5. All-in-all a good run. She and I talked  for a while, then just hit a point where we just updated each other on out progress. It wasn't until that last mile that we chatted again. We spent a while stretching out and getting dressed again to head back out in the cold.

We made it back over to Quincy Medical Group in plenty of time to get good parking spots and good seats for the meeting. The lobby was FULL! I am just so excited! I have the tendency to over-train and go all gung-ho and injure myself. I looked over the schedule and my long-run mileage is already at week 4! I am just going try to back off and go with the flow and follow the schedule. It does have me out more days than I am now.

Here is what a typical week looks like for me now:
Monday 4 miles easy
Tuesday 3 miles possibly speed work
Wednesday Cross-training (for me it will mostly be Zumba Toning!)
Thursday 3 miles Either tempo or speed work
Friday REST! I kinda like that!
Saturday Long Run with the group <-- These get progressively longer!!!
Sunday 3 easy recovery

and continues for 14 weeks!

I am going to attempt to get on and blog something every night except Wednesday and Friday. Unless something inspiring happens or comes to mind.

A parting thought: I had no idea Chocolate Milk was so beneficial to a runner post-run! YAY for yummy recovery drinks!!!

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