Thursday, April 26, 2012

My Wednesday night...

wasn't great. In fact, all of Wednesday wasn't great. I was hoping the workout would perk things up for me.

I went to the Y after my hubby got home. I found an upright bike and got it adjusted for me. I am new to these, so I wasn't sure exactly what I needed to do with it. I got on and started pedaling. DING DING! We have a winner. HAHA! I wasn't sure what kind of ride I was looking for, so i programmed it to throw random hills at me. I think they are all programmed for 30 minutes at the Y as well. So there we have my workout. I had tension ranging from 5 to 14 at the highest. I tell you, I felt GREAT while I was pedaling! I felt amazing, like i could go forever! I even stood for a bit at the 13 and 14 levels, and my heel/ankle didn't feel what I did the day before. It was amazing. I rode the random tensions for a full 30 minutes and made it 8.53 miles with an average speed of 16.2 mph. This bike didn't show watts, so I have no clue what they might have been. I don't even know how to figure it. Not important though. I had a great time on the bike and burned roughly 350 calories in 30 minutes. That was great! I needed that. It really did give me a positive feeling and I was happy.

I next went to the machines. I did seated dips, 45 reps; row (of some sort, I forgot the name), 45reps; the ab machine, 45 reps; and then went to the legs. I wish I had a good memory of what the machine and movement was. I know that I did 20 reps and it didn't feel great. I should have left my legs alone. I think this was part of my downfall. Also, I again tried to take "normal" smooth flowing steps, like I used to. It HURT! I had to go back to my limp. I sat for a bit to relax and make sure I wasn't going to fall over, got my recovery water ready (nuun tablet), and trudged up the stairs. I was limping. I need to park in a different spot too, the ramp down to that parking lot really hurts for me to walk down; slopes are bad!

So, I get in my car and get my foot on the clutch. OMG! The searing burning pain! WTF did I do?!?!? WOW! It hasn't hurt like that in a LONG time. It just about brought me to tears. I let off the pedal and just sat there a minute. The burn passed after a few seconds and I tired again. There was still pain, but I was ready for it this time and was able to get the car moving. The drive home was excruciating. I fought tears and just kept moving on, as best as I could. Red lights were my enemy! By the time I got home it was the bottom of my heel through my ankle up to the lower leg that was hurting. The soft spot was swollen and I was in tears. Real tears. They were part pain and a big part frustration. I was making positive progress, and now this! I got my shoes and sock off and wrapped an ace bandage on me then applied an ice pack.

Today, shortly, I will make a call to the doctor. I will update this entry after that call.

I am terrified.

~Happy Running?

I am going back to the doctor tomorrow morning. Not waiting until next week. It feels worse and not better. I'm glad they can get me in so quick.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry you were so discouraged this particular night, and I was wincing in pain for you as I read this entry. I'm glad your foot hurts less now because of the boot, but Im still praying for your mental and emotional endurance. *HUG*
