Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Another week done pt 1: Friday

I will break it down day by day (but a separate blog for each day)


I had the day off Friday. I figured it would be the perfect opportunity to get my 11 mile run done. It started out as my running days do. Rather hectic. I was getting myself up and ready, and also getting my youngest ready to go to daycare so I can get out. Dropping him off was the easy part. Then I had to detour back to my house to take care of a "problem" before I could get started. It was about 15 minutes after my planned start time when I finally set out.

I have to backtrack just a bit here. You see, the day before I had been online posting on facebook how I was fighting the urge to go to Best Buy and grab, or at least look at, a GARMIN. I really want one! As it turned out, I had recently "friend-ed" a MOST AMAZING woman! She saw my post and told me not to buy yet unless I have tried one. She brought me hers!!! I had never met her in person before! She trusted me! You better believe I took VERY good care of that thing. I got it back to her ASAP after I was done too!

Ok, back to the run! As I said, I got a little bit of a later start than planned. Still, I figured I would be done by 10. I got the Garmin on and it picked up satellites FAST! Much better than the phone apps. I started out from the same spot as the 10-miler; Washington Perk. I basically followed that same route, too. I went down Maine to 8th, and headed down 8th to RJ Peters Drive. This was a fun stretch. It is already gone from my memory if I ran on the correct side of the road, or if I stuck with the sidewalk on the side with traffic flowing the same as me. I know I got some crazy looks from people. I guess they are just not all used to seeing someone running. :) I do remember being on the side facing traffic as I was running past my church and my son's school. I got to RJ Peters and went across the street to keep on the sidewalk. Last time I ran this we stayed in the road, but since it was later in the day this time and I was solo, I figured that the sidewalk would be just fine. Cars tend to speed through there during the day. When I got up to the entrance to South Park, I turned in. This is different than the 10-miler, and was the point where I was adding on to make a mile. I went through the top loop. I love that park! I left it as I got to 12th street and went back up to Harrison. Here I stayed until I got to 48th. Man, once I hit 36th, I had to stop because of traffic. I took the opportunity to get a GU opened and started. I walked across that street and up a little ways to get the GU gone. I took a sip and got back after it. At this point I was still feeling on top of things. I had everything in pretty good order. Then after I got down 48th just about to Maine, I felt AWFUL! I had to strip off the windbreaker I had on. In order to do that, I had to walk a few paces again. I got it off though, and got back after it!

I'd love to say the trip back up Maine was blissfully easy, but it wasn't. I had to GU again at 30th street. I hadn't expected to need it again so soon. I also had some stomach issues. I should have kept better track of the flavors I used and the timing of them. I had to stop again at 36th street. I don't like that street, it is too busy! Anyway, somewhere along there I think I stepped wrong on my right foot too. I'm still trying to figure that out. Of course, it could have been the time spent on the brick/cobble sidewalk. I never have like that style. I had to prance about a bit to keep myself on bricks that were sitting the right direction. NOT COOL! I make it through mile 10 and am not sure if I can keep going. I am determined though, and keep pushing onward. I keep waiting to hear that final beep, the beep that has kept me going this far, the beep of the next mile on the Garmin. I make it back to 5th street... and there is NO BEEP! I keep going, it has to beep soon! It has to! It DOES!!! It finally beeps as I am just about to 4th street. I guess I miscalculated somewhere. Glad I had that Garmin to tell me just what I did! I finished 11 miles in 1:43:05. WOW! 2 full minutes before I figured I would. I am happy with the 9:22 per mile average. It is a bit slower than the 10 mile run, but hey, I had to stop a few time for traffic, and I RAN 11 MILES! SOLO!!!

I think that was the part that got me the most. I ran that whole time, with just me and my thoughts. AND the eery noises coming from the power lines along 48th street. I need to get out there again and try to record it. It just sounds both scary and wrong! I had so many thoughts run through my head, I should have recorded some of them at that time, or at least written something down when I got done. What actually happened was this: I took a walk to see my husband at his work, just to let him know I survived, took the Garmin back to Letty via her husband at work, then went to get my grub on cooked by the best chef I know, my Mom.

I don't accurately recall any pain this day. Saturday there was a minor ache...

~Happy Running! (Saturday is the next blog)

1 comment:

  1. I hate that you had to mess with the cobblestones and that your stomach was hating you. There's so much to break down during an 11 mile run, I'm glad you took your readers along :)
