Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What a week! I have to adjust.

Well, I ran on Monday the 26th of March, then didn't get back out until Saturday the 31st. I somehow ended up with walking pneumonia. Fun stuff there! I missed most of the week at work also. Finally broke down Thursday and went to get started on antibiotics. By the time Saturday rolled around i just had to get some miles under me to help me feel better.

My husband was concerned with me running out in the fresh air. I conceded and went to the Y. It wasn't bad on the treadmill this time. I had my Mortal Kombat soundtrack to keep me company, and basketball on the TV. I set myself up for an 8:45~ish pace and enjoyed. It really did feel good. I felt like I could have gone another mile, but played it safe and quit at 3. I was just happy to be on my feet again. The training group went 11 that day. I still haven't, but I will get there.

Sunday found me feeling super great and quite refreshed. I went ahead and ran outside. It was hot, but just too beautiful to pass up. I got my 4 miles in and felt great doing it. The fun part was that my oldest son started out with me. I am so proud that he was able to go 1.37 before he decided he had enough. He wants to run! YAY! So, after I got back and we got cleaned up, I took him out to get a pair of running shoes. I stressed to him these should only be for running. You know how rough boys can be on things!!!

I was going to completely rest yesterday (Monday), but Zachary wanted to try out his new shoes. I mapped out a quick 1.5 route we could do. Zachary really tried hard, but has trouble listening when I coach about pacing. He'll get there. He went another 1.34 in about the same time as the day before. He's got heart. So, for me, it wasn't much of a run, and I am A-OK with that. It didn't stress my body much, although it was HOT!

This morning I got up for a 5am run. Oh, how I love this time of day. The birds were just starting to chirp and wake up. There are hardly any cars out. It is just peaceful. I started out not sure if I would go 3 or 4 miles. As I went up Locust I looked at my watch 2 blocks short of a mile and my time looked good, as near as I could figure, so I decided maybe I can go for 4! THEN after a mile and it said 8:33. WOW! Not bad, right? I kept right on going to the turnaround that leads me back down Locust and headed off into the Vet's home grounds. Well, something hit me somewhere in this time that gave me a cough. It wasn't a pleasant feeling at all, and That is when I "bailed." Instead of hitting 5th and turning around, I turned and ran up that big hill and got myself home. I was out for 23:29 and mapped 2.93 miles.

I was mad at first that I bailed on 4, but really am happy with 3, as I am listening to what my body is telling me. I will be a better runner if I am not pushing myself past where I should. I am still recovering. It may take a while yet. Tomorrow is a rest day, and I will try again Thursday.

I made a complete overhaul to my training schedule. I will run 30 miles less than the plan had called for, but my miles will be better. I will not have a run where I am just "too tired" or "well, it's on the schedule". Every run promises to be a run for fun. Lots of rest and some cross training will be added. This is a learning experience and I am still over the moon with excitement at the promise of running 13.1!

~Happy Running!

1 comment:

  1. So many good things in this post, you're so aware and Im glad you're listening to your body, and that you're feeling better.


