Monday, March 4, 2013

Things are going Swimmingly!


I made a great deal of progress with my swimming! Yes! I managed to put my face in the water for 3 strokes, and bring my head up for an inhale, then back down for another 3-count! OK, so I wasn't the most graceful yet, and I could not keep it up for the whole length of the pool, I at least got started! I am working on it! I made myself put my face in 3 times each time I was heading to a wall. I am trying to get my breathing regulated. It is a long road I am on, but I am making progress! I am so happy!!! I even did a warm up lap before I started "counting" my laps, then did a cool down lap afterward! Making my 500m swim 600 actual meters covered. That is a record for me! I can finally see myself getting better at this! Swimming has been the sticking point in my training.

Oh the running! I ran a wonderful 10k Saturday morning. I hit an 8:50 average pace. Which, by the way, is faster than the 5.6 mile training run the week before! That one was a 9:08 average. Totally not far off each other, but still! There is also the road condition to consider. The roads were I was just telling my hubby today, that I am purposely trying to train at the 9min mile range to avoid injury.

This, however, is pulling down my 5k times. I went for a run today with my JWCC Club, and did manage to average an 8:27, but it was a killer. OK, the wind on the way back was bad too, but that's not an all-out excuse. My times were 8:42, 8:05,8:30. I was loving that middle mile. It is also where the wind was on the side and not behind or in my face. I wanted to keep that pace. I didn't know what it was until I got done. I only knew that it felt great. I'm hoping the wind and weather cooperates with me Wednesday on my next run. I have 4 miles to go, and it would be GREAT to average an 8:15. I have gone 4 miles at an average of 8 two times in the past. Oh wouldn't THAT be wonderful to do again... 

OK, so really, this has been a great few days since the last post. I am feeling VERY good about this weekend's 7-miler. A little scared, too, but still good. I will NOT forget to stretch afterward. I GOT THIS!

~Happy Running, Cycling, Swimming, and Lifting~

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