Sunday, March 24, 2013

Skipped 9 and went 10

I was planning on going 9 miles on Saturday, but my son's track meet got cancelled and I was able to run with HRRWC. They had a 10 mile route planned and that is what my friend Trista planned to run. I said, "Why not?"

The run itself was pretty great actually. I ate a piece of bread with a little peanut butter before leaving. Chased it with a little water. I packed my GU belt and headed to meet everyone. I am still testing GU flavors and brought more than needed. It looked silly, I am sure, to have 4 GUs for a 10 mile run. I managed to NOT grab the right water bottle, so had an annoying tall bottle instead of my normal fuel belt handheld. Stupid crinkly sloshy bottle. Yes, it was water, so it was helpful, but STILL! I learned to check my gear better!

Oh yeah! We managed to hit our goal! It was just about perfect! 10 miles in 1 hour 29 minutes (and 12 seconds)! That's an 8:56 average pace. If I can keep that up for the full 13.1 miles, I will hit my goal! Right now I fell like that is a strong possibility.

However, I can tell by that one run that I have been eating like crap and it HAS to change. After the run I was completely drained. This is even after refueling with carbs and protein (pancakes and eggs). I took a 2 hour nap. I felt the need to go for a walk all day long, but never did. I went to the grocery store with my hubby, then came back home for a bit to take care of things. I headed to church later too, where the kneeler just about made me want to cry! That was weird too, because I am usually OK. I also yawned my way through the service. I felt awful about that. So, after church I went and got coffee. Shawn and I were heading out to eat, then for drinks and a late movie. Somehow I managed to make it through all of that.

I woke today, Sunday, after about 9 hours of sleep. We had a good breakfast, including coffee. After crafting some palm leaves, I crashed hard again! 2 hour nap hard! I have been struggling all day. My legs are sore and feel like lead. My feet feel OK, as well as my Achilles.

I gave myself today as an extra rest day. I know I should have done something, and may still lift weights. I have learned though, that it is important to listen to your body. Mine must have needed a serious break. I will be back at it tomorrow! I may be in on a treadmill since the college kids in the run club at JWCC don't like the snow and cold, but I will get my 5k done.

~Happy Running, Cycling, Swimming, and Lifting~

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