Wednesday, March 20, 2013

2 years!

I just passed my 2nd Run-iversary! 

Yup, It all started with Kelly's fun Run/Walk 2 years ago! I was asked by my friend Jeannie to go run/walk it with her. She said it would be fun to try. Boy was she right!!! That very day, in the short few blocks we ran, I was hooked. I signed up to run the Bridge the Gap 5k race within the week after Kelly's.

I was hooked. What can I say? I got a high from that first short spurt. I get that same high almost every time I go out for a run. I get it just thinking about a good run! I AM A RUNNER. That is all.

It really is true what "they" say: If you want to change your body, exercise. If you want to change your life, RUN.

Oh, and that first 5k? Yeah, I took 3rd in my age group!

It has changed mine in more ways than I can count. I could sit here and try to work up a list, but that would take days and days. The quick summary is that I am an overall happier person who has a great circle of friends who all feel the same way I do about life in general. It is an amazing thing. I love the feeling of camaraderie there is among the group. For the most part, they are all your friends, you just may have not met them yet. ;)

Now about my training ...

I snuck in an extra run on Friday because the weather was absolutely GORGEOUS! That had me on day 3 of running. Then there was the 8 miler. It was chilly when we started. I got hot though after a few miles. Of course, after I slipped my jacket off, we turned into some wind. Then it was time for a walk break to GU. I never did put my jacket back on though... I really had a rough time on that one. We ended up with a 9:20 average pace, so it wasn't all bad. That was day 4... THEN there was Sunday. The day of the Race! What a mess... Let's just say I was happy when the call to the starting line came. Then the cannon! Oh, how I needed to run at that point! My watch wasn't working for me, so I was basically running naked. Not bad since I had on a timing chip ;) I stuck with Trista. She accused me of getting back at her for the long run. LOL I was the rabbit this time, she had to work to keep up with me! I backed off when she needed to slow down though, just as she did for me the day before. We finished in 25:17. It was a PR for her! I am so happy to have been able to share that with her.

I took the next day off and just walked. It sure has been fun.

The best part of all of this is that I STILL have no pain! Wes did a great job rehabbing my Achilles. ART therapy worked for me and I tell people about it when I get the chance.

I can't wait to finish up this week with 9 miles. It looks like I will be flying solo. But hey, we runners are tough in mind as well as body, right?

Some day it is still hard to believe I have been running for 2 years. I see no end in sight.

~Happy Running, Cycling, Swimming, and Lifting~

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