Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June Cycling - 200 miles

I realized after getting 18 miles in on my first ride of the month, that I need to up my goal. It is now 200 miles. I plan to ride a total of 12 times this month. That's 3 times a week for 4 weeks. If I keep at the pace of the first ride, I will have 216 miles. I am sure there will be rides with fewer miles, but this goal is NOT supposed to be easy! If a goal is too easy, then you really don't accomplish much.

Along with the 18 miles on the bike I spent time on the mat doing various crunches and supermans to work my core. Before I even got to the gym, I spent time with my dumbbells and a bar. Those two sessions total 26 minutes. I do each move at max reps for 1 minute then take a 1 minute breather before the next one. I am thinking about doubling up on them soon.

I already made changes to my plan I posted last time. I will post the new one!!!

I moved around the bike days, so I have 3 a week now. I may move the UBE from Wednesday to Tuesday and give myself another rest day, or do something at home that mimics the UBE. I added "Swim" to Friday, but that's just because I plan to take my kids to my In-laws pool, and hope to get some actual swimming done. I'm going to kick the kids out for some "Adult Swim" time every once in a while.

I am trying to figure out more things to do to work my upper body and core. I am still a bit limited on legs, but I am trying to do more there too.I have a few ides, but can always use pointers.

I am 10 days away from my next doctor visit. I go back to see Dr Biggs on the 15th. I am hoping for good news! I would LOVE to hear that I can begin walking again. I got in touch with the people who organize the Hannibal Cannibal, and they allowed me to switch from the 10k run to the 5k walk. This makes me so very happy! It is 32 days away. 10 more in the boot, then hopefully I am out of it and able to get back in the groove! I know Dr Biggs mentioned getting me on the elliptical, and that will be a great step in the right direction. I told myself that I am going to walk the Cannibal, even if I have to do it in the boot!

Things seem to be working in the right direction now. (even the scale)

OH! I almost forgot!!! My 14-year-old son ran a 5k in 26:47!!! I am so very proud of him! This shows some great dedication, that I hope stays with him! His first race is the Raider Classic! My 5-year-old is wanting to do the fun run, too! I am so happy to have a couple of young runners joining me! I can't wait to be able to get out and run WITH them!

~Stay Fit and Happy!

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